În zilele de 25-26 mai 2012, la Sediul Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului se vor desfăşura lucrările Simpozionului internaţional organizat de Institutul de studii religioase, culturale şi juridico-canonice al Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului şi de Centrul de studii şi cercetări religioase şi juridico-canonice al celor trei religii monoteiste (C.R.M.) al Facultăţii de Teologie (Universitatea Ovidius Constanţa), cu tema „Legislaţia de stat şi Legislaţia canonică din unele ţări ale Europei”.
La Simpozion participă cadre didactice universitare de la Facultăţile de Teologie şi Drept din România, Georgia şi Republica Moldova, de formaţie teologică, juridică, filosofică, sociologică etc., cu comunicări ştiinţifice cu conţinut inter şi pluridisciplinar. Este de altfel pentru prima dată când în Cetatea tomitană are loc un asemenea eveniment academic care priveşte cercetarea ştiinţifică din domeniul juridic şi canonic din cele trei ţări, specifice atât prin istoria, spiritualitatea şi cultura lor, cât şi prin legislaţia pe care au promulgat-o de-a lungul secolelor.
Participanţii la Simpozion vor avea prilejul să cunoască şi unele Aşezăminte de spiritualitate religios-creştină şi de cultură din Dobrogea.
Prin tematica abordată – atât de cei peste douăzeci de participanţi din străinătate, cât şi de colegii lor din ţară (peste douăzeci) – care sunt specialişti de prestigiu în universităţile şi în ţările lor, avem încredinţarea că şi actualul simpozion internaţional – îşi va aduce contribuţia la o mai bună cunoaştere a legislaţiei ţărilor şi bisericilor noastre, care are nevoie şi de un studiu şi o evaluare comparativă.
În fine, precizăm că atât Institutul de studii religioase, culturale şi juridico-canonice al Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului, – înfiinţat doar de o lună, – cât şi Centrul de studii şi cercetări religioase şi juridico-canonice al celor trei religii monoteiste (C.R.M.) al Facultăţii de Teologie (Universitatea Ovidius Constanţa), îşi aduc o contribuţie meritorie şi la afirmarea culturii juridice şi canonice româneşti şi europene, şi, ipso facto, la sporirea numărului de evenimente, academice-universitare, de referinţă, naţională şi internaţională, care au loc în urbea noastră.
Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae V. Dură,
Directorul Institutului de studii religioase,
culturale şi juridico-canonice al Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului
The Program of the International Symposium –
25 – 26 May 2012
25 May
10. 00 – 10. 15
The opening of the Symposium works
PhD Prof. Dănuţ Tiberius Epure,
The Rector of Ovidius University of Constantza
† PhD Prof. Teodosie Petrescu,
The Archbishop of Tomis and the Vice-Rector of Ovidius University of Constantza
PhD Prof. Nicolae V. Dură,
Director of the Institute for religious, cultural and juridical-canonical study
Scientific Papers
10. 15 – 12. 00
Moderator: PhD Prof. Nicolae Dură
PhD Prof. Irina Moroianu Zlătescu, Director of the Romanian Institute for Human Rights (IRDO), The State-Church Relationship as Reflected in the Romanian Legislation
PhD Prof. Igor Sevcenco and Vicoria Sevcenco, Faculty of Law, B.P. Hasdeu University of Cahul, Republic of Moldova, Euthanasia – the right to death
PhD Lect. Levan Metreveli, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, Confessional Education in Public School According to the Pattern of Georgia and the EU Member-States Which Have a State Religion
PhD Prof. Ana Rodica Stăiculescu, Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, Identity construction: mirrors of public and canonical law
PhD Asoc. Prof. George Şerban, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, The presidential provisional appointment in the revised Constitution as of 2003
PhD Lect. Mariana (Mitra) Radu, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, Critique of the social-juridical system of repression against crime and criminality
PhD Oleg Bercu, Republic of Moldova, The procedure for election of the President of the Republic of Moldova from the year 1990 up to these days
PhD Asoc. Prof. Maria Danilov, University of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Juridical regulations and practices regarding the registration of the religious associations in the Republic of Moldova (1992 – 2012)
PhD Asoc. Prof. Gheorghe Jigău, Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova, Building Sustainability Trough Efficient Environmental Policy
12. 00 – 12. 10 – Coffee break
12. 00 – 14. 00
Moderator: PhD Prof. Irina Zlătescu
PhD Asoc. Prof. Ion Varta, University of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The Romanian Orthodox Church of Bessarabia during three periods of Russian occupation: 1812-1918, 1940-1941, 1944-1991
PhD Davit Chikvaidze, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, The Advantages of the Orthodox Church in the Georgian Legislation
PhD Alexandru Postica, Researcher of the Institute of History, State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, The right to come together. Object of constitutional regulation and penal protection. The meetings with a religious character
PhD Lect. Aleksi Kshutashvili, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, Relations between the Church and the State in Georgia in the IX-th to XVIII-th centuries
PhD Lect. Natalia Saitarlî, Faculty of Law, B.P. Hasdeu University of Cahul, Republic of Moldova, The juridical liability of the civil servants in the Republic of Moldova
PhD Lect. Archil Metreveli, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, The Co-operation of the State and of the Church of Georgia in Punishment of Sinner-Offender
PhD Lect. Simona Mina, Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, Lobbying and advocacy in assuring participative democracy in Romania
PhD Lect. Ludmila Tihonov, The Faculty of History and International Relations, UILM, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, Communist laws for supressing the Orthodox Church in occupied Bessarabia (RSSM)
PhD Zaza Vashakmadze, Grigore Peradze University, Tbilisi, Georgia, The Strasbourg Court Decision Versus the Church of Rumania
PhD Lect. Deca Claudiu, Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, Liminary considerations of purpose and time attributes of Goods and the Church
Lunch break (14. 00 – 15. 00)
15. 00 – 17. 00
Moderator: PhD Prof. Igor Sevcenco
PhD Lect. Constantin Anechitoae, Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, The marriage of military staff and its juridical status
Otar Machaidze, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, The collaboration of the Church and State on the example of the 1748 local Council
PhD Asoc. Prof. Bogdan Moise, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constantza, The lithurgical-musical singing in the writings of Saint Niceta of Remesiana. Lithurgical and canonical considerations
PhD Stud. Asist. Bogdan Cristian Trandafirescu, Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, Standard Contracting Instruments of the New Civil Code
PhD Virgil Coman, Director of the State Archives of Dobroudja, Legislative measures regarding the development of Orthodoxy in Dobrudja at the end of the XIX-th century and in the first decades of the XX-th century
PhD Maria Petre, The Romanian Monks Community on Mount Athos. Its structure and role in the late 19th, and early 20th century
Lana Chakhunashvli and Saba Pipia, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, The Church as a legislator according to the „Law of Catholicoi”
PhD Lect. Costin Scurtu, Director of Constantza Military Museum, The Organization of the Diocese of the Romanian Army (1921-1948)
PhD Lect. Flori Braşoveanu, Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, The right to a healthy living environment
PhD Lect. Enache Tuşa, Ovidius University of Constantza, Modernization of the political institutions in Dobrogea
PhD Corina Jianu, Judge, Family life in the light of the new Civil Code of Romania
PhD Lect. Doru Damean, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constantza, The state legislation regarding the social work in Romania
17. 00 – 17. 15 Break
17. 15 – 19. 15
Moderator: PhD Prof. Bogdan Moise
PhD Prof. Violeta Puşcaşu, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, University Dunărea de Jos, Galaţi, Convergences et disjonctions dans le paysage monastique contemporain roumain
PhD Prof. Nechita Runcan, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constantza, The General regime of Cults in interwar Romania
PhD Asoc. Prof. Arhim. Vasile Miron, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constantza, Lithurgical aspectes approached in the Great Nomocanon of Târgoviște
PhD Lect. Dănuţ Popovici, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constantza, The homiletical responsibility of the clergy according to the canonical legislation of the Orthodox Church
PhD Stud. Cristian Grama, The Romanian Patriarchate, The transgressions and offences in the canonical legislation in relation to the infringements and crimes in the state legislation. Comparative study
PhD Stud. Petronia Dobrescu and Maria Petre, Mount Athos and its monastic establishments. A few historical-ecclesiastical reference points
PhD stud. Ciuntu Ioan, Republic of Moldova, Violation of canonical rights in Bessarabia in the 1944-2010 years by the Soviet state
PhD stud. Mother Emanuela Gina Tăbăraş, Social-Charity activity of sisters monasteries from Bucharest Archdiocese during the first half of the 20th century – an ecclesiological-canonic evaluation – Provisions of State and Church legislation
PhD stud. Iulian Budescu, The Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia and its canonical bases
Master stud. Leocă Ştefan, Ovidius University of Constantza, Confession Sacrament and today’s psychotherapy
PhD Prof. Nicolae V. Dură and Assistant Lecturer Cătălina Mititelu, Ovidius University of Constantza, The protocol of cooperation in the field of social inclusion between the Government of Romania and the Romanian Patriarchate. Juridical-canonical considerations
PhD Tamara Nesterov, Republic of Moldova, If they will remain silent, the stones will shout
PhD Assist. Madalina–Elena Mihailescu, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Dunărea de Jos University, Galaţi, The importance of law and morality in the application of sanctions
PhD Prof. Florin Tudor, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Dunărea de Jos University, Galaţi, Brief reflections on the trade’s principle of freedom
PhD. Lect. Mihaela Rus, Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, Social aspects of european integration at the level of romanian public administration
PhD Assoc. Prof. Gabriel Mihai, Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, Mediation and Conciliation – Modern Methods for the Resolution of Trade Disputes
PhD Assoc Prof. Sorin Calafus and Asist. Maria Căzănel, Faculty of Law, Administrative Sciences and Sociology, Ovidius University of Constantza, The exception of undoing the contract in new Romanian civil code regulation
19. 15 – 20. 00
Conclusions of the works of the International Symposium
Dinner (20. 00)
26 May
9. 30 – 19. 00
Visit to the Monasteries of Dobroudja
Departure and Farewell
in partnership with the
Sponsor – The Archdiocese of Tomis
PhD Professor Teodosie Petrescu (Romania)
PhD Professor Nicolae V. Dură (Romania)
PhD Professor Irina Moroianu Zlătescu (Romania)
PhD Professor Bogdan Moise (Romania)
PhD Professor George Şerban (Romania)
PhD Professor Florin Tudor (Romania)
PhD Professor Aleksi Kshutashvili (Georgia)
PhD Professor Igor Sevcenco (Republic of Moldavie)
The Archbishop of Tomis, PhD Professor Teodosie Petrescu, the Vice-Rector of Ovidius University of Constantza
PhD Professor Nicolae V. Dură, the Director of the Institute
Asist Lecturer Cătălina Mititelu, the Scientific Secretary of the Centre (C.R.M.)
25 mai 2012
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